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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Pizza’s and the Google Earth

This morning, when I visited Google Earth, just remember what had I got 4 years ago and really happy with I have found on GE.

Still fresh in my mind when Mr. Freckmann, My Professor delegated us, the new student of Geomatic Engineering 2002 to design and constellating the new Pizza’s shop in our city, Karlsruhe.
“Whats?” Said my Pakistani Friend Ahsan, “how comes we can put on the pizza shop in very attractive and competitive place? While we’re not the marketing man? “
“Good question”, said Peter ( my prof’s little name, my fave). Then we sat together, thinking hard how to place the pizza shop on our map. Many opinions, many argumentation, but going to the conclusion that
So, share the team become 2 (two), 1 team looking for social’s data e.g.: demographic data, and the other team designing the nice map, then we can combine all those collected data to be a GIS (Geographic Information Systems). Great! Peter, clapped his hand!

I was in the second team, designing the map. What we’ve made is a very technical and theoretical map. It’s really good but not good looking, not eye catching, don’t know why, may be coz none of us who came from art or none of us who had art touch.
Just really technical map!

After one week we sat again in the same room, but now with the data that was ready to compile. Then what’s happen?
Great! It’s really happened. We can now saw on the map, where was the best place to put on our new Pizza’s shop. We can now, where were the area that was placed by school, university and the municipality that has a very density population. Can not imagine!

That’s 4 years ago; now, we can use
Google Earth a 3D model can be viewed directly with its accuracy 1 meter (especially for US and west Europe). Still with the same data I got 4 years ago, I can put on the Pizza’s shop there, just a right click action to put it on. Exactly in the same coordinate I got.
And last night, I got the
information that GE has put out a new vector database with an updated Google Earth Community Forums layer. This data was a snapshot from August 18th, so if you've posted a placemark on the GEC before then, it should now show up. We've rewritten the crawl for this data and should be able to update it more often in the future.

ps. come on hunny, place on your proejct location here! sure your boss will be very satisfied:)


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